
Rev. Teresa Wairimu

Reverend Teresa Wairimu Kinyanjui (Mum) is the Founder and Director of Faith Evangelistic Ministry that has its headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. The Ministry also has branches in the United Kingdom and United States of America (U.S.A). The Ministry has also expanded its reach within Kenya to Mombasa, Nakuru and Kutus in Kirinyaga.

Reverend Teresa Wairimu Kinyanjui has been in the Ministry for more than thirty years and is passionate about spreading the Gospel of God's Kingdom in Kenya and around the world. Her missions abroad, over the years, include Uganda, Nigeria, Ethiopia, India, Singapore, Canada, U.S.A, United Kingdom, Brazil, Sweden, Norway, South Africa, Faroe Island, Jamaica among others.

She also took up the role of a Teacher alongside her greatly respected spiritual authority, the late Rev. Reinhard Bonnke, at Christ for All Nations (CFAN) School of Evangelism Worldwide, where they teach and equip 'the called' to be effective in Ministry.

Her children: Catherine, Robert & his dear wife Ilona - all love the Lord and are making positive contributions in God's Kingdom. She is blessed with five grandchildren - Joey, Kui, Nimu, Victoria and Nathan.

She is also an author of the books:

1. A Cactus in the Desert - An Autobiography

2. Pray without Ceasing

3. Arise & Shine and

4. Live by Faith




A Cactus in the Desert

An Autobiography

A most remarkable story of one phenomenal woman who yielded to the call of God and allowed Him to use her in extraordinary ways. The book takes you through an eventful journey, from her interesting ancestry that dates back to the Paramount Chief Kinyanjui Wa Gathirimu, through to her growing up in a Kenyan rural set-up, and the defining moment of God’s call which culminated into great spiritual encounters, awesome miracles, signs and wonders.

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Pray Without Ceasing

When time for breaking through comes, you have to use some kind of force. You will need to break that wall so as to get to the other side. In this book Rev. Teresa Wairimu will help you to strengthen your prayer life so that not only will you pray, but you will pray effectively, Unceasingly, powerfully and yield amazing results.

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Live By faith

This book is a collection of a few messages I have taught or preached on subjects related to faith. It is my hope and prayer that your faith will be built, stirred and fired up so that living by faith becomes your daily mission. May you look at everything rough the eyes of faith, hear everything through the ears of faith and touch everything with the hands of faith. At the very end of your life’s journey, I pray that you will confidently say like Apostle Paul did in 2 Timothy 4:7: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

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Arise & Shine

God wants you to set high goals for yourself. You need to have bigger dreams than you can handle. You need to strive to reach your goal. What are your visions and what are your dreams? You are where you are because you have chosen to be there. … ” “…. If you are in a place of comfort, reach out. Get dissatisfied with where you are. Set goals that are higher. It is time to move from the level where you are, to a level that God has set for you. I guarantee you; there is no demon in hell that can stop you from getting to your destiny. You are the only person who can hinder your dreams from coming to pass. There is no disability that can stop you from attaining the goals that you set for yourself. It doesn’t matter what your background is. No scheme of the enemy can stop you.

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